Tuesday 13 September 2011

NEW TRAYS! Succeess!

New trays! Well, second tray. Just when I was getting used to the first tray, they gotta go and make me put this new tray into place. Owwww... maybe I need to go get some more painkillers. I know, I'm such a wuss. :(

Two weeks down... many many more to go?

New spiderman though! (new to me ok. No making fun of me).

Friday 9 September 2011

New Invisalign Aligners

3 more days (I think... I can't count.. my orthodontist will do it for me!) until new aligners. I'm excited but getting impatient. My teeth haven't even begun to move! My stash of tylenol 3s has now run out and there's no pain...


Waiting for the next tray now. Can't come any sooner.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Invisalign Montreal: Day Five

Haagen Daas, how I love thee. Things are finally getting easier and the aligners don't bother me as much anymore. I still feel like a gimp trying to take my aligners in and out, but it's getting easier too. Too bad I accidentally bit my cheek so now I'm a little chip munky.

*Counts down.. * I have how many trays to go?

I can't take this. Must find ice cream. Need... sustenance...