Monday 30 July 2012

Invissalign: Tray 29!

In the home stretch now and I never though I'd get that far. Got my trays all the way up to 29 so that means, I'm almost done. YES!

There are only 10 more trays until I'm done and my teeth are just doing dandy thank you very much. Things are looking most excellent even if I have been negligent. My ortho also didn't notice my cavity. Mwahahaha!

I cant wait for this to be over though. After this is over, I'm going to some poutine and then picking up some ben and jerry's. Sorry haagen dazs, there's a new kid in town.

Stay tuned for tray.. FINISHED.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Invisalign Tray 23!

Invisalign Tray 23.. I keep telling myself that I'm almost there. Looks like I'll be spending the new year with a brand new smile thanks to Invisalign!

Time flies when you're having fun though! After the first few months, I don't even notice the invisalign anymore and now I'm well into my high 20s (shhh).. after that, doneso!

Went to the dentist again to check out the cavity yet again. It's hurt and a pain so I want it dealt with now! Brought along my trays just in case. He filled it and all was good. i think I'll just keep it from my orthodontist. :)

Thursday 31 May 2012

Quick cavity update

Alrighty, booked an appointment with my dentist to get it all checked out. The good news is that he could do the filling no problem and it would be covered under extended. The bad news is that I told my orthodontist about it and he said "NON!"
Apparently getting fillings could mess up how my retainers work. If my teeth fall out because of this... I'm not going to be happy!

My ortho also told me I have to wear elastics on both sides.

Seriously? Arg.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Tray 20 is on the way

Tray 20 is on the way! I did something naughty though and put in the tray sooner than I should have. I thnk my montreal orthodontist is going to kill me! The good news is that it hurts less. Maybe I can make it go faster? Yah? Faster? Sign me up! Then again, i think he's going to frown when I told him. Doesn't matter though because I'm almost there! ALMOST THERE! Halfway there. *sigh* Found this great video about cleaning invisalign.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

A cavity? NO wayz!

Zut alors! Again!

I think my ice cream habit has caught up to me now. I was blowing out some candles and noticed that my teeth were super sensitive the other day. Well, one tooth was super sensitive.

Went to the othodontist today and he told me I have a caivity on my molar! It was hidden before, but because of the invisalign trays moving my teeth... it was exposed. He said to book an appointment with my dentist to see what he could do (it would be cheaper that way).

I hope it doesn't mess up my treatments. I was looking forward to getting my teeth all fixed!

Ok, grand prixe time! WOOHOO!

Tuesday 6 March 2012


No, not the star wars character. They're these little rubber things that you need when putting your Invisalign aligners in. Apparantly they help my teeth and retainer work better together.

Guess I should be using them more!

In any case, on to tray 14. Come onnnnnn teeth.

BTW, wish I'd know this when looking for an orthodontist.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Visiting my Invisalign Orthodontist in Montreal

Yes I do. I feel like a parolee visiting her parole officer on a regular basis. They check the things they're supposed to check and voila you're on your way.

Hurmph! Well Mr Montreal Orthodontist, I'll have you know I'm doing just fine thank you very much. Oh, he said my teeth are also doing just fine. Got more trays and life is pretty good.

Got my poutine, my hockey (ok maybe not.. stupid habs) and Avengers is coming out soon!